The Treasures of Suleiman by K. M. Ashman

The Treasures of Suleiman by K. M. Ashman

Author:K. M. Ashman
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781788637572
Publisher: Canelo
Published: 2019-10-20T16:00:00+00:00

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Twenty hours later Brandon sat outside a cafe overlooking the ferry dock in Athens, watching Adriano walking up the steps toward him. They shook hands and ordered a couple of cold drinks.

‘Did you get it?’ asked Brandon eventually.

‘I did,’ said Adriano. ‘I have the documents here.’ He tapped the chest of his jacket.

‘Can I have them?’ asked Brandon.

‘Brandon,’ said Adriano, ‘I don’t know what is going on, but I do know one of my oldest friends is dead, by the hands of a man wanted for several murders. At least one of those was a politician and this is bordering on becoming an international incident. Now, this is not your part of the world, but it is mine. I have a lot of contacts in the authorities and I know how things work around here. I can help you, but in return, you need to be honest with me and tell me everything.’

Brandon considered for a few moments before realising the situation was getting out of hand. What had started as a treasure hunt had turned into a murder investigation, but more than that, India’s life was at risk. He knew he had no option and if he stood any chance of helping India at all, he needed the help of this man.

‘OK,’ he said eventually with a sigh, and spent the next twenty minutes bringing Adriano right up to date. Finally he sat back and stared across the table at the policeman.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘what do you think?’

Adriano took a long drink before leaning back in his own chair and removing his glasses to wipe them with a clean handkerchief.

‘Brandon,’ he said eventually, ‘first of all, I have to say that the fact you were, shall we say, less than honest with me the last time we met gives me cause for concern. However, that said, I can see that perhaps your perception was clouded by the excitement of the chase, but let’s not forget, my best friend lies dead and this man called Abbas is on the top of the most wanted list in this part of the world. If you had explained all this the last time we met, then your friend would perhaps not be in the danger she now faces.’

‘Adriano,’ said Brandon, ‘you are right, and yes, I should have been more open, but what is done is done. I have now told you everything, so can you help me or not?’

Adriano put his glasses back on and reached in his pocket.

‘I think you are in luck,’ he said, ‘because if everything you have just said is true, then I just may know who is behind this.’

‘You do?’

‘Yes. If I am correct, the person we need to speak to is a man named Mehmed Hundar.’

‘And who is he?’

‘He is a businessman based in Istanbul and claims to be the natural born successor to the throne of Turkey. Apparently he can trace his ancestry right back to the time of Suleiman in the fifteenth century.


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